Production Photos > FAMISHED (World Premiere)
Our Lady with Family
Cast from Left to Right: Sharonlee McLean, Roxanne Stathos, Jill Westerby, Jessica Wallenfels, Michael Cline, Issac Lamb, Damon Kupper
Our Lady feeds Jack
Jessica Wallenfels (Our Lady) and Issac Lamb (Jack)
Sleep Eating
Sharonlee McLean (Lane) and Jessica Wallenfels (Our Lady)
Jessica Wallenfels (Our Lady) and Roxanne Stathos (Christine)
You gotta relax Diane
Jill Westerby (Diane), Jessica Wallenfels (Our Lady), Roxanne Stathos (Christine)
Set Design: Sarah Lydecker
Set Design: Sarah Lydecker
Talk Back and Set
Several talk backs were held for the audience to discuss the issues raised in the play with the actors.
Audience Participation
Each night the audience was asked to answer the following question: "What are foods that you despise/refuse to eat?" Answers were worked into the show.
Audience Participation
Each night the audience was asked to answer the following question: "What are you hungry for?" Answers were worked into the show.